Peer Support and Critical Incident Debrief Topeka KS
In today’s world, recruitment and retention are difficult in the field of law enforcement. Losing an officer puts excessive strains on a department’s resources both financially and staffing. Peer Support is a means for a department to show support to their employees, offering them opportunities to care for themselves and their families. Peer Support helps those, who without it, might turn to substances, illegal activity, poor performance, seeking a different career, mental health issues and even suicide.
Peer Support is an informal, private opportunity, available 24 hours a day for someone to speak to a peer, to assist with any issues the LEO may be having difficulty with in life. It helps clarify concerns and explore available resources. Peer Support is preventative maintenance.
This training will equip LEOs with listening skills to recognize, help to prevent and understand the effects of stress and refer to outside resources, if needed. Following this training, the LEO will be able to provide these services at their agency as well as assist and lead groups following critical incidents.
Dr. Jennifer Prohaska, Ph.D. and Pat Hinkle, M.A., LCPC, LCMFT will provide instruction. Both work, almost exclusively, with law enforcement and first responders. They also assist multiple departments with their Peer Support teams.