1:00 pm
10:00 pm
Thrivibility Simple Self-Care Guide Topeka, KS-FLYER
With over 300 million people suffering worldwide, self-care needs to be a mission-critical goal. We continually witness police officers fall victim to suicide while their brothers and sisters in blue stand by helplessly. Stress is inevitable but misery doesn’t have to be the driving force in your life. This 8-hour course was developed to
educate the attendee on self-care practices with the hope of creating a healthier lifestyle for the officer creating ripples in the law enforcement community to alleviate suffering and lessen the stressful effects of the profession. The goal in life should be to thrive, and not just to survive. Attendees will learn practical and applicable tools to make life more manageable.
Course Content
- Identifying types of stress
- Sympathetic & Parasympathetic
- Stress in the workplace and at home.
- Critical Incident Stress & PTSD
- Current issues in recruiting and hiring
- Identifying Hypervigilance
- AID LIFE and statistics of suicide in law enforcement
- Healthy diet and exercising
- Ways to relieve stress mental health in law enforcement
See flyer for registration details